Letter to the Editor | Daily Courier

Originally published July 8, 2024

Yes, we can do better


Chair, Prescott Valley Citizens Alliance


Sandy Griffis’ recent Letter to the Editor, “We can do better” (July 2), in reference to turbulence and negative comments from citizens, asked how did we get here? Well, here is what is broken in Prescott Valley.

Dismissing valid citizen concerns, spendthrift expenditures, and unmanaged growth has recently triggered six individual grassroots citizen groups to become active. An economy based on just building homes is a short-term fix and not a stable foundation for a healthy town. Healthy towns have a mix of industry, commercial and retail.

Poor leadership also has serious repercussions. Recent attempts by an elected official to falsely smear and malign certain candidates has caused unfettered chaos.

When elected officials use a radio show to publicly ridicule constituents and laugh about serious community issues, it violates public trust. Ethics in government is the single-most important aspect needed to maintain public trust. Those in a leadership position who disregard harmful misconduct have failed the community.

This pattern of misconduct has been ongoing. When elected officials refuse to acknowledge comments from others and use tactics that are belittling and dismissive toward citizens who voice valid concerns, it borders on a violation of a citizen's right to redress.

This has nothing to do with political party divisions. It has to do with a lack of ethics, transparency, sensitivity and accountability in government.

Unfortunately, as Griffis fears, it appears to have risen to a level of hatred, but it appears precipitated by those in power. Yes, we can and should do better.

Source:  https://www.dcourier.com/opinion/letter-yes-we-can-do-better/article_04d6f494-3d5e-11ef-8a48-437b8b36cfa7.html