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be heard
As Prescott Valley town officials continue with their pro-development agenda, are citizens' concerns being heard and included in the decision making process?
downhill mountain bike park proposed for glassford hill
Eco-tourism or an eyesore? Will a bike lift on Glassford Hill contribute to, or detract from, the peace, natural environment and overall enjoyment of hiking and the aesthetics of this area? Read the article.
Prescott Valley Citizens Alliance wholeheartedly supports the development of the Glassford Dells Regional Park in accordance with the terms of the intergovernmental agreement (IGA). We support a development approach that will prioritize park designs that insure the protection of property values, the preservation of open space, the aesthetics of the terrain and the peace and tranquility of the area for residents and visitors. PVCA is opposed to the development of active recreation facilities including the construction of a lift-served downhill mountain bike track system. We are concerned about liability issues, costs and the lack of essential services and infrastructure to support the proposed "world-class downhill mountain bike park."
The open space on Glassford Hill should be preserved - not commercialized and exploited.
"Section 2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to purchase identified Trust Land located on and near Glassford Hill within the boundaries of Prescott, Prescott Valley, and Yavapai County, and to fund, design, construct, and operate thereon various passive recreation facilities (including, but not limited to, public trails). " Read the entire IGA
Definition: "Passive Recreation Facilities"
Passive recreation refers to recreational activities that do not require prepared facilities like sports fields or pavilions. Passive recreational activities place minimal stress on a site's resources; as a result, they can provide ecosystem service benefits and are highly compatible with natural resource protection.
cONCEPTUAL PLANS for Glassford Hill
The conceptual designs pictured for the development of Glassford Hill were prepared in the Fall of 2022 by The Planning Center, consultants hired by the Town of Prescott Valley. In addition to the lift-served downhill mountain bike facilities, other proposed amenities include a pavilion, sports fields, playground, campgrounds, archery range, ropes course and a resort with lodging and restaurants. (Review a timeline)
Based on the EPA's definition of "passive recreation facilities" none of these proposed plans would conform to the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement.
Pictured above: Original conceptual plan commissioned by Prescott Valley Fall 2022
Pictured above: Conceptual Plan revised October 2023
The goal of this project is to acquire land for public use and open space, preserving one of the area’s most distinctive landmarks - Glassford Hill.
Do you know the history of Glassford Hill? Can you point out the cinder cone? Do you know how it got its name?
Watch this video to learn about the historic milestones associated with Glassford Hill. As we design the Regional Park, we are writing the next chapter in the history of Glassford Hill. Will we honor its history and preserve its natural elements for generations to come?
The Sundog Connector is a proposed 3.5 mile road on the southwest shoulder of Glassford Hill, connecting Highway 89 in Prescott to Highway 69 in Prescott Valley. Its alleged purpose is to relieve traffic congestion on Highway 69 and provide faster travel between Prescott and Prescott Valley. Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO) estimates that 7% - only 7 of every 100 cars - currently using Hwy 69 will divert to the Sundog Connector.
The negative impacts on our environment, water resources, wildlife corridors, the degradation of land, and the potential for new development that the Sundog Connector would bring far outweigh its speculated benefits. Rather than building the Sundog Connector, PVCA supports completing the widening of Hwy 69, traffic signal improvements and developing mass transit and other creative options that better suit the community and more sustainably address long-term traffic and safety issues.
In February 2024, the Sundog Connector Design Concept Report and Environmental Overview (DCR and EO) was presented to the public. Of the various routes proposed, Build Alternative 3 (pictured above) was chosen as the preferred route, despite clear and consistent public support for a NO BUILD option.
According to the report, the proposed Sundog Connector Highway will reduce travel time by only 4% (approx. 30 seconds.) Alternative 3 comes within 200 feet of existing residential neighborhoods and would cross state land proposed for preservation as the Glassford Dells Regional Park. Access to the future Regional Park is now being used as justification for constructing the highway.
Funding has not been identified for any phase of the Sundog Connector Highway, however, the newly released DCR puts the cost at approximately $151.5 million.
During the May 28, 2024 Prescott City Council meeting it was stated that the Sundog Connector project would be removed from the General Plan which will is scheduled for a public vote in 2025.
Regional Park or Bulldozed Scar? Read the article
Click here to read the SunDog DISConnect position paper
Listen now. Sundog Connector history, community & environmental impacts, costs and alternative solutions are discussed on KYCA radio.
The Mayors weigh in during the CYMPO Exec Board meeting, 2.28.24: Watch the video
Sundog Connector removed for the Prescott General Plan: Read the Daily Courier article
For project updates:
Beneath the grassy surface of the Big Chino Valley, abundant groundwater resources tempt cities and towns to harvest water for growth. The problem is that Big Chino groundwater supplies over 80% of the base flow of the upper Verde River, which is a significant ecological resource for the southwest.
The proposed Big Chino pipeline is legally authorized to deliver 8,068 acre-feet per year of groundwater from the Big Chino aquifer to Prescott and Prescott Valley. Since the current annual over-pumping of our region’s aquifer is more than 21,000 acre-feet per year (and growing), this is not enough to close the gap and balance our aquifer. Plus, Prescott and Prescott Valley may use Big Chino water to support additional growth, not to replenish our region’s aquifer.
Unmitigated groundwater pumping to supply the Big Chino Pipeline will dry up the first 25 miles of the Upper Verde River, destroying some of the finest riparian and wildlife habitat in Arizona and degrading the entire river down to the confluence with the Salt River near Scottsdale.
For over 20 years Prescott and Prescott Valley had envisioned piping groundwater from the Big Chino Valley to support a vastly increasing population. As stated in Prescott Valley’s 2035 General Plan, the town is pulling out the stops to obtain Big Chino water. The fact remains that construction of the pipeline would leave taxpayers footing the bill and exportation of Big Chino groundwater would eventually devastate the year-round flow of the uppermost Verde River.
During a study session on April 23, 2024, the Prescott City Council heard a presentation on the updated cost of the Big Chino Water Ranch. More than $35 million of local money has gone toward the Big Chino Water Ranch over the past 20 years, and Prescott City Council members learned that another $261.6 million or more could be needed to bring the project to reality.
Contact our Town Officials and have your voice heard:
Mayor Palguta:
Vice Mayor Zurcher:
Councilmember Freund:
Councilmember Greer:
Councilmember Kiehl:
Councilmember Schumacher:
Councilmember Williams:
Town Manager Davidson:
Banner Image: c. TreeRose Photography