Recommendations for Civic Betterment
On December 20, 2024, Prescott Valley Citizens Alliance Board Members sent the following recommendations to Councilmembers, including Town Manager, Gilbert Davidson, outlining high-priority community concerns and suggested goals for 2025.
(Status updates and action taken by the Town are shown in red)
Explore a Charter for Prescott Valley
2.10.25 PENDING: Town Manager will invite a legal representative from the League of Arizona Cities & Towns to make a presentation at an upcoming Town Council Study Session to inform Council and the public about a charter government.
Regional Intergovernmental Agreement on Water Security
Require Prescott Valley’s participation in the proposed steering committee to explore a regional authority focused on achieving safe yield in the PrAMA and sustaining the baseflow of the upper Verde River.
Strengthen the voice of the citizens. Adopt a Town Code provision that enables a citizen to submit a written petition or request for action to which the citizen is entitled to a response by the Town.
Adopt an Ethics & Standards policy for Public Officials.
2.13.25 WEAKENED. Council stripped the reporting and enforcement measures from the draft document, removed the words "Ethics Policy" and renamed it Code of Conduct - Statement of Values. The document, as adopted, does not hold public officials accountable for misconduct or lack of ethics.
Public Meeting Protocol Improvements: assign the Town Attorney / Asst. Town Attorney to the role of Sergeant-at-Arms to supplement and ensure the efficient operation of meetings, support order, and enforce consistent rules of the meeting.
01.09.25 REJECTED. Rules for Call to the Public state that citizens may comment on agenda items or solely on matters under the Town's jurisdiction. Mayor Palguta announced that there are no longer any rules for Call to the Public. Citizens may use three minutes to say whatever they want, including reading the Declaration of Independence.
Increase citizen participation in local governance
Establish a Citizen Engagement Program.
Establish a Design Review Board.
At least once annually have Executive Town Management host and take part in a Town Hall open to the public.
Avoid conflicts of interest. Develop broader and stricter guidelines to prevent citizens with conflicts of interest or lack of integrity standards from serving on Boards and Commissions.
Adopt an ordinance that requires annexations over one hundred acres to be put to a vote of the residents.
Adopt an ordinance preventing gravel pit mining within town boundaries and do a better job at communicating and collaborating with neighboring municipalities affected by Town actions.
Establish a Town code revision that (1) limits the amount of time a property owner can delay to begin an approved development. Require Council re-approval after 5 years have passed. (2) require originally approved development design plans that change, regardless of whether there is no change in density or units, to return to Planning & Zoning Commission and Council for approval.
Engage in proven strategies or existing state and federal programs to draw and incentivize medical care physicians and specialists to work in the community.
Construct or refurbish a public swimming pool for all citizens to enjoy, including children and youth, with designated recreational aquatics programs.
2.13.25 PENDING. Council established a Recreation Facility Citizen Advisory Committee to consider all aspects of design, finance, construction and operation of a recreation facility that will include an aquatics center.
Improve fiscal accountability
Adopt stricter procurement policies, to include Request for Proposals, Request for Qualifications, and Public, Private, Partnerships.
Adopt an ordinance that requires excessive large dollar capital expenditures or bond issuances to go on a ballot for approval from the voters.
Stricter oversight of charitable contributions made by the Town.
Require Town Attorney or legal services expenditure that potentially involves a future court case to require Council approval.