Solar Facilities

Three utility-scale solar facilities totaling over 10,000 acres have been approved or are pending approval in Yavapai County. This includes Project 1874, the 1,116-acre 95 MW (megawatt) solar farm located south of Highway 89A east of Fain Road approved by the County Board of Supervisors on January 6, 2021 as reported by The Daily Courier and the Associated Press.

In Arizona, only transmission lines, once they are connected, are regulated by the Corporation Commission. Cities, towns, and counties are left to determine appropriate land use, location, size, monitoring, and decommissioning requirements for utility-scale solar facilities.  

As a result, the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors drafted an amendment, adding Section 608 Solar Facilities, to its Zoning Ordinance.

The purpose of Section 608 is to establish "processes, requirements and performance standards for the placing, design, construction, operation, monitoring, modification, and removal of UtilityScale Solar Facilities."

The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to consider the amendment for adoption at its November 6, 2024 meeting. All residents of Yavapai County are encouraged to attend the meeting and express their concerns.  Citizens may also submit their opinion via the online public comment form.

Social and Environmental Impacts

Solar energy plays an important role in decarbonization, but also presents negative envornomental and social impacts which must be taken into consideration when local ordinances are drafted.

Arizonans for Promoting Integrity (AZFPI) has written two well researched articles on the impacts of utility-scale solar facilities. Some of the main concerns are summarized here:

For more information and to read the complete 2 part series, please use the links below:

Part 1: Utility-scale solar in Yavapai County

Part 2: Potential Impacts of Utility-Scale Solar in Yavapai County